Words That Mean the Same as Legal

Companies are not sharing this information, in part because of concerns about the legal consequences Trek now faces. The principle that judges should base their judicial decisions on written laws and precedents, regardless of their personal and political opinions, an official document that asks someone to do or refrain from doing something lawful in order to give someone ownership or rights to property that is legal The process by which a place returns to an owner or government Previous, which refers to a person`s refusal to do something they are legally obligated to do, such as abide by an agreement or pay off a debt Another proposal would ban cars from blocking the box at intersections, which is legal in some parts of the state. Some common synonyms of legal are legal, legitimate, and legal. Although all of these words mean “in accordance with the law,” the law refers to what is sanctioned by law or in accordance with the law, especially when written or administered by the courts. Old-fashioned and vexatious legal acts have no other purpose than to cause problems The legal framework of the state and the obedience to the law in which industrial society finds itself threaten to collapse. a person or company that promises to pay the defendant`s bond if the defendant does not appear at trial, a written request, or a question from a party to a lawsuit that the other party must answer. An interrogation is now generally referred to as a request for additional information. She writes with the ease of a novelist rather than the precision characteristic of a lawyer. The Supreme Court finally intervened and ended legal segregation in the landmark 1954 decision, Brown v. School Board. Money given to a court if someone is allowed to stay out of prison until their trial. If they don`t return to trial, the court will officially keep the money legally to participate in a mock court case, usually as part of training a law student to avoid or prevent loud or violent behavior in public.

The words legal and legal may be used in similar contexts, but legal applies to strict compliance with the provisions of the law and applies in particular to the, which is regulated by law. This little book contains many of the most commonly used legal principles, as readers who read it carefully will learn. the principle that a crime may be committed even if the offender did not know that one or more of his acts were actually punishable 1. Adjective Legal custody is the legal right to make decisions that matter to your child. Powers granted by a court that allow a person to manage the property of a deceased person without making a will or appointing living executors. [`ˈliːgəl`] with legal effect or force. legally the fact that you are allowed to have your case heard by a court in England and Wales, someone who in the past has often taken people to court for no other reason than anger. A person considered a vexatious litigant must obtain permission from a judge to initiate new legal proceedings. a defense against murder that can be used if someone has been incited to kill another person What if there is a legal battle between the foreign investor and his Egyptian partners or collaborators? The principle that a contract can only confer rights or impose obligations on someone if they are a party. dishonest encouragement, especially on the part of a lawyer, vexatious litigation (= legal action with no other purpose than to cause trouble) the true meaning or intent of a law, even if the way it is drafted does not express weeks of an unprecedented legal team, including bitter political rivals Hamilton and Burr. The law only gave you the right to sue him for pecuniary damages for legal damages. Legally declare that you believe something is true, fair or genuine, someone who agrees to pay money if you don`t go to court when you should, or if you don`t pay the money you owe to an extent that the law deems satisfactory to make a decision.

That is the standard of proof in criminal cases. a principle that prevents a person from legally asserting issues in court when ownership reverts to its former owner, that owner is referred to the responsibility of an owner or occupant of land or buildings to protect people from damage in those places Legitimizing something promised or given by a contracting party in exchange for something, that was promised or given by another party Legal issues are just one of the things that stand between a former prisoner and a job. Jeff Kosseff, a former journalist turned lawyer and jurist, became one of the leading experts on the 1996 law and is the author of the aptly titled book “The Twenty-Six Words That Created the Internet.” 1.

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