What Window Tint Is Legal in Tennessee

This article will discuss car window tint laws in the state of Tennessee. We have done our best to add all the important information that will be useful to you in this article. From the darkness or reflection of the tint of your car windows to other rules and regulations, such as whether colored hues are allowed or not, whether or not you need a certified sticker from your company installer, etc. everything is included in this article. Most state window tinting laws deal with the transmission of permitted light. Illegal window tinting may let in less light than required by Tennessee`s Window Tint Act. Tennessee`s window tint laws were introduced because window tints reduce the driver`s vision and make it difficult for traffic signs, pedestrians, and other cars to see. Many states consider car window tint to obstruct the driver`s field of vision and choose to limit tints to avoid traffic accidents. If you`ve recently had an accident, contact a law firm that specializes in car accidents. However, windows with lower visible light transmission are not allowed as they lead to poor visibility and can lead to traffic accidents. If you or your child is involved in a car accident, visit www.keatingfirmlaw.com/personal-injury to find out what to do next. Here`s what`s allowed in Tennessee`s window tint law: The term “window tint” refers to techniques that prevent certain wavelengths of light from passing through glass windows.

As a rule, a colored film is applied to the windshield, side windows and rear window of a car. Some new vehicle models have tinted windows that have been treated during the car`s manufacturing process. If for any reason you are stopped by a police officer while driving in Tennessee, your illegal window tint may result in a ticket issued directly on the spot. Police can use portable digital devices to test VLT glass tint (how light or dark the tint is) on the spot, so you can`t hope to get away with an illegal tint. Tennessee window tint violations can cost anywhere from $100 to $230 or more for a single ticket, and you`ll be charged more money and possibly charged with a more serious repeated illegal glass tint violation. Since window tint costs $100 to $800 depending on the type of vehicle, type of tint and other factors, the risks and costs associated with illegal window tinting are not worth it if the illegal tint is simply removed and replaced is an affordable process. Those who make window tints do not need to obtain certification for the window tint they sell in the state of Tennessee, but a sticker indicating the legal tint must be placed between the tint film and the driver`s side glass. Tennessee law allows certain motorists to apply for exemptions if they have medical conditions sensitive to visible light. Any person with a condition affected by ultraviolet light may submit to the Commissioner a statement from their physician attesting that they have a medical condition that requires a reduction in light transmission in the windows of their vehicle. The state`s laws on window tint must be followed, otherwise the owner of a vehicle could face a hefty fine.

Here are the percentages of VLT legal tint or window darkness in Tennessee: Tinting a car`s windows can also have a skin-protective benefit for those in the car by minimizing the effects of incident light or harmful ultraviolet light. All types of vehicles in Tennessee must follow the same rules for window tinting, so cars, trucks, vans, SUVs, RVs, and other cars can use these guidelines. The side and rear windows (i.e. the rear windshield) can all have a tint of up to 35% VLT. This is dark enough to add a lot of privacy from the perspective of other motorists or passersby, but doesn`t completely obscure the view, allowing a law enforcement officer (or someone else) approaching the vehicle to see inside. Note that no reflective tints of any kind are allowed on the side or rear windows of Tennessee-registered vehicles. Tennessee`s window tint laws allow 70% VLT on windshields. All other windows can have 35% VLT (must let in more than 35% light). These dyeing laws apply to all types of vehicles. Tennessee Act Title 55 Chapter 9 Part 1 (Search for “tinted windows”) If the authorities notice it, they stop the driver to inform them that the vehicle does not comply with the Tennessee Window Tint Act and issue a quote.

Law enforcement can use a small white box that slides over the window tint and displays the percentage of VLT on a digital screen to help Tennessee law enforcement determine if a car`s window tint is within the legal limit. There are several advantages to installing a tint on the windows of a vehicle. Summers in Tennessee can be tough and the tint of car windows can keep the interior up to 60% cooler. We have made every effort to provide you with accurate and up-to-date information on Tennessee`s window tint laws. Please contact your local authority to find out about Tennessee`s current window tint enforcement policies, including rules and regulations, as the final authority for the Tennessee Tinting Window Tint Act in your area. Other advantages of tinted windows are their ability to protect the padding of car seats, thereby increasing the resale value. The tint of the windows can also ensure privacy, which prevents thieves from seeing valuables in the vehicle. It`s important to note that the law on window tint varies from state to state, so if a Tennessee resident travels to another state, you may run into problems depending on whether or not the state has a similar law. While it doesn`t seem like a big deal, fines for poor window tint can add up over time, costing a driver thousands of dollars, and the fine amount increases every time a new fine is issued.

In Tennessee, any tint installed on a windshield must have a 70% tint, and metallic or mirror tint is not allowed on the windshield. Passenger cars can have up to 35% dark tint on the rear and side windows.

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